Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Yay For Good Art!

Hey folks, this is Jorge and I'm here to share some wonderful news that I read on an article from http://www.cbr.com/. The post discusses the new set-up for "Wolverine" which will restart the Wolverine series of comics and ships in September. "Wolverine: Weapon X" will end soon and "Dark Wolverine" will be renamed "Daken". But alas, this is not the best part. This is not the wonderful news that I have read and would like others to know. The good news is that Renato Guedes will be the artist on the book. Ever since I saw his art in the pages of James Robinson's Superman, I fell in love with his style. I consider him one of the best artists in the industry and was heart broken to see him leave Superman. Now that I know that he will be heading "Wolverine" I will have to add this book to my pull list. I look forward to the day where I can see one of my favorite artists working on one of Marvel's biggest characters. Sorry DC, but you guys should have held onto him when you had the chance.

Here is a link to the CBR (Comic Book Resources) article: http://www.comicbookresources.com/?page=article&id=25831

Friday, April 23, 2010

Our "Losers" review!!

Hey everyone!

Coming up on the show, the gang behind Comix Center will give their 8 cents (there's four of us...2 cents each....ahh math is a language!!) on the new movie "Losers" based on the comic....."Losers".

Go out this weekend, watch the movie and let us know what you think. Casting decisions, did they pay off?? SFX, up to snuff with what Hollywood has been giving us, or is it redefining??

Comment and I'll read a couple aloud for our next show!!


Thursday, April 22, 2010

Online! Finally!

Ok everyone, this is Jorge from comixcenter and our first episode is finally downloadable! Just subscribe to our rss feed via this address:


Please check it out and come back here and comment on it! Thanks Everyone!