Saturday, October 2, 2010

Halloween Costumes!!

Hey everyone. It's Juan again!!

Wanted to post about Halloween....but didn't really know what to post....until I thought about the spirit of Halloween!

So in that spirit, please let me and the show know....." What are you gonna dress up as this Halloween??"

Hopefully we get some people talking about comic related costumes...I haven't decided but I think I might go as a rather rotund version of Iron Man.....maybe not.....


Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Episode 21 is up!

This week Jesse is out enforcing the law of Jesse by beating up kids and taking their comics (Don't worry folks, we're gonna talk about those books next week so it's for a good reason) while Jorge and Juan take on this episode alone! An e-mail from the a listener sparks a conversation between them about TV shows. They discuss a whole bunch of them like Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Angel, Smallvile, Heroes, Doctor Who, and more. They also take a look at the upcoming genre shows like Walking Dead, No Ordinary Family, and The Cape. Not enough? Good because Jorge picks a Book of the Week, Shadowland Power Man #2 and it knocked his socks off. He still can't find them. Want them to discuss something that you think is important? Send them and e-mail with your questions!

Monday, September 20, 2010

Conventions....big or small???

Hey everyone!

It's Juan again.

This past weekend me and my brother George had the chance to attend a small convention here in Los Angeles.

As we walked in I saw the convention landscape and I immediately thought I had wasted my money. Four rows filled on both sides by vendors selling their wears. Comics, action figures, statues, posters, etc...

Now most comic stores have this same type of set up. Selling all the same things. I was disappointed to say the least. And as we started walking down the rows I thought my brother would soon come to the same realization. But I was wrong. As we passed the first couple of vendors something caught my brothers eye.....a hard cover of the "Heroes" graphic novel. From that moment things changed we walked around and bought some comics that were quite recent, and comics that I had wanted to read but at the time didn't have the money to buy. Yet now I was walking away with tons of comics that I wanted and I only spent $0.50 each issue!!

As we walked out of the convention hours later, I told my brother, "That was pretty cool....I bought a bunch of comics, and they were cheap!" I was happy about driving down and attending this show. Looks were definitely deceiving. So I began to think....when I have visited Cons in the past....namely Comic Con San Diego.....I never really walk away feeling that I really made away with a steal when it comes to comics. This past convention was the first time.

So I was wondering, when it comes to Comic conventions.....which are your favorite?? Do you love the spectacle that is a San Diego Comic Con sized show, the type where every big comic name is there, where studios spend thousands on their stands....or are you a fan of smaller shows, those that come around twice or three times a year, those that have maybe one headliner...which starred in a sitcom or action show ten years ago, those were most of the vendors are local and trying to get their store names out there.

So which is it?? Big conventions or smaller ones?? And why!

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Episode 20 is now up!

This week in the wonderful world of Comix Center, the guys re-unite to talk about books and characters that should be around but aren't! They each go trough a few characters that deserve to have their own ongoing titles and other ideas for books that they would like to see. Bring back Ms. Marvel! Power Girl just isn't the same! I want my Iron Fist! (Hmm...which of these doesn't fit?) But they don't stop there! They also pick some books that should get the axe to make room for the ones they really want! Teens, Sirens and men who can fly are not safe when the guys start cancelling books! Not too happy with the choices they made? Let them know!

Friday, September 10, 2010

A little of this and a little of that!

Hey Guys! It's Juan.

Had a quick question to all those that are checking our blog here. As those who have been keeping up with our podcast know, we are planning a mega huge podcast soon. And it has to do entirely with marvels greatest team...."The Avengers".

So I was wondering....who is the best group of avengers you have ever read?? Is it the the original team up....Bendis' new team....which is the coolest team of avengers??

Secondly I would like to know your opinion on a very simple question....and this is in reference to a quick little discussion we have on this weeks new show....

Who is the better batman?? Bruce Wayne or Dick Grayson....and why!

I will read as many post as are put up here! Thanks!

Monday, September 6, 2010

Episode 19 - Dream Fights

The cast and crew of Comix Center have returned for another go around in the world of comic books! Join them as they discuss every comic book fan's dream, fantasy match ups between heroes and villains from all comic book universes. They decide on matches as massive as Thanos vs Superboy (or was it Superman?) Prime and The Hulk vs Doomsday, as sexy as Ms. Marvel vs Witchblade and as destructive as Sinestro vs Magneto! Not enough for you? Well they had so much fun they skipped picking a book of the week and went on to choose on so many more matches including between some creators! Disagree with one of them? Let them know what you think.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Episode 16 Let's Talk Comix

Hey everyone, Episode 16 is up on the RSS feed and available through iTunes. This episode we review a multitude of books, such as Emerald Warriors 1, Incredible Hulk 611, Invincible Iron Man 29, Superman 702 and several more! Please leave some comments here. Also, there is gonna be a giveaway in our Scott Pilgrim movie review! Listen to that episode for details!

If you would like to e-mail us go ahead and do so at and don't forget to leave us an iTunes review!

Monday, August 2, 2010

Episode 14 - Comic Con Wrap up!

This week, Jesse makes his triumphant return to join Jorge and Juan to talk Comic Con International! The guys pick topics that interested them and discus other things that have made news recently. Topics include, Captain America Out of Time, the new Norman Osborn Mini, The Eisner Awards, the new Flash Ongoing series, the closing of One Manga, and much, much more! The guys also pick a must read of the week, Uncanny X-Men 526, and Jorge picks his top creator for the month of July, Mr. Brian Michael Bendis!

If you guys wanna e-mail us, go ahead and do so at and please leave us an iTunes review!

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Episode 13 is up today!

Jorge and Juan go it alone this week when Jesse and Fernando take the day off! They discuss some comic-con news and Jorge has the must read for the week. He picks Avengers 3, despite some bad dialogue and the guys discuss Joss Whedon being officially announced as Avengers director, the new Green Lantern Suit, and whether or not there are too many Batman books!

Thanks for listening and please leave any comments you want to here! If your shy go ahead and e-mail us at and leave us an iTunes review. Thanks again guys!

Monday, July 19, 2010

Episode 12 is up!

Hey everyone, Episode 12 of Comixcenter is up and running! In this episode we discuss the top 10 comic chicks and the Thanos Imperative issue #2. Please leave any comments here and let us know what you think!

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Episode 11 is up and running!

Hey everyone, Episode 11 is up now so download it and give us any feedback here! If you'd like to e-mail us go ahead and do so at Hope you guys enjoy it!

Monday, June 28, 2010

Episode 9 is up!

Episode 9 is up now and we want your feedback. In this episode we discuss a book of the week, creative team of the month, and the Heroic Age! Leave any comments here and make sure you e-mail us at THanks for listening and be back next week for another episode!

Monday, June 21, 2010

Episode 8 is Up And Running!

Hey everyone! Episode 8 is up now so everyone go and listen to it! Now! Then come back here and give us your feedback on the episode. Like it? Hate it? Hate us? Let us know. If your shy and don't want to post here, send us an e-mail at with your feedback and any questions or requests. Thanks to everyone for listening and be back next week for another episode!

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Episode 7!

Hey everyone, Episode 7 went up on Monday after a long break, but we are back on track. Leave any comments about the episode here!

Episode 8 will be up Sunday night and you can all respond to that episode on the blog pos ti put up then. Thanks for listening.

Sunday, May 30, 2010

Episode 6 up Today!

Hey everyone! Episode 6 is up today. It's a day late but it's our epic Iron Man 2 Review. We also talk a whole bunch of good comix, both new and old. Please check it out and post any comments here. Send us an e-mail at and leave us an iTunes review!

Saturday, May 22, 2010

New Episode Out Today

Hello everyone! There is a new episode of Comixcenter out today! Episode 5 has the guys talking about the Losers movie and comic shops. Please post any comments about the episode here. Feel free to e-mail us at and leave us an iTunes review! Thanks to everyone for listening.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Best Sellers in April!

Good news for DC fans, the top four selling books in April were DC titles. However, Marvel sold a higher share of units for the month. Here's the breakdown according to Comic Book Resources:

1. Brightest Day #0
2. Flash #1
3. Green Lantern #53
4. Batman and Robin #11
5. New Avengers #64
6. Uncanny X Men #523
7. Invincible Iron Man #25
8. Green Lantern Corps #47
9. Ultimate Comics Avengers 2 #1
10. Thor (2007) #609

Friday, May 14, 2010

New Episode!

Episode 4 is up today people! It's a Kick Ass movie review! Please listen and respond to the episode here! Feel free to e-mail us at and leave us iTunes reviews! You all rock and thanks for listening!

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

New Episode!

Episode 3 is up today and look forward to episode 4 this weekend and one every Friday from here on out! Thanks to all you listeners! Tell your friends and e-mail us at

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Free Comic Book Day!

So yesterday was Free Comic Book Day and hopefully everyone went out to pick up some free comics and hopfully buy some comics while they were at their local comic shop! Let us know here if you got anything you really enjoyed!


Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Yay For Good Art!

Hey folks, this is Jorge and I'm here to share some wonderful news that I read on an article from The post discusses the new set-up for "Wolverine" which will restart the Wolverine series of comics and ships in September. "Wolverine: Weapon X" will end soon and "Dark Wolverine" will be renamed "Daken". But alas, this is not the best part. This is not the wonderful news that I have read and would like others to know. The good news is that Renato Guedes will be the artist on the book. Ever since I saw his art in the pages of James Robinson's Superman, I fell in love with his style. I consider him one of the best artists in the industry and was heart broken to see him leave Superman. Now that I know that he will be heading "Wolverine" I will have to add this book to my pull list. I look forward to the day where I can see one of my favorite artists working on one of Marvel's biggest characters. Sorry DC, but you guys should have held onto him when you had the chance.

Here is a link to the CBR (Comic Book Resources) article:

Friday, April 23, 2010

Our "Losers" review!!

Hey everyone!

Coming up on the show, the gang behind Comix Center will give their 8 cents (there's four of us...2 cents each....ahh math is a language!!) on the new movie "Losers" based on the comic....."Losers".

Go out this weekend, watch the movie and let us know what you think. Casting decisions, did they pay off?? SFX, up to snuff with what Hollywood has been giving us, or is it redefining??

Comment and I'll read a couple aloud for our next show!!


Thursday, April 22, 2010

Online! Finally!

Ok everyone, this is Jorge from comixcenter and our first episode is finally downloadable! Just subscribe to our rss feed via this address:

Please check it out and come back here and comment on it! Thanks Everyone!

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Our first show is headed your way!!

Hello out there on the interwebs!!

This is Juan. I am one-fourth of the greatest comic minds ever assembled....well I guess if you don't count the brain trusts over at Marvel, or those over at DC.....or even those guys at your local comic store that know exactly when Batman and Superman first teamed up. So really we're like in the top one million of the greatest comic minds ever assembled.

Well after that odd introduction, I wanted to be the first to post on here about our upcoming show. It should be out this week, I would venture to say by the 30th of March. It's our first foray as it were, into comic book podcasting but as soon as it's up and ready to go I would love everyone to take a listen and please post back with criticism about the show.

Don't be shy....hey the most mean spirited, plain old hurtful thing posted will be read aloud on our next me. So please be as horrible as possible....but if you have a chance also include some opinions about what we talked about.

Oh, by the way, the other two members of our crew will be showing up real soon!

And on our third podcast....Wondercon reviews by Jorge and Fernando!! Plus awesome interviews with talent (don't hold us to this) and great snip bits of those that make cons possible...the fans!!! Also don't hold us to one might wanna talk to us.... : (

Well everyone take it easy! And never do more than is expected of you. It sets unrealistic levels for everyone you know!

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

The First Blog

This is the blog for our brand new Podcast, Comix Center! This podcast is gonna be four guys talking comics and other geeky things. Tune in and soon I will have some more information up and links to our podcast!